15+ christmas ideas you have to do in 2019!

Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2019 • Lilly
Good afternoon,
I wish everyone a joyful season. For this who celebrated, I hope you had some delicious food and a nice evening and morning with your loved ones! I have counted down the days before christmas and now that the day actually came around the corner I am just as surprised again how quickly time passes by. To keep the christmas spirit a bit longer I would like to present you over 15 ideas for activities and things you could still do within the next couple of days. Since the days before christmas are always quite packed and stressful it is nice to use the time right now for some bonding with family and friends!

These christmas activities will hopefully turn the upcoming days into a fun celebration and turn the last days of December in the best ones! Let's get started! Don't forget to let me know in the comments how you spend christmas and which of these ideas is your personal favorite.

 Host a friend cookie swap. Cookies are one of the best ways to celebrate the season. So gather all your friends, swap cookie recipes and then head to the kitchen to bake some of the best cookies. Have fun while decorating and to finish off have a jury rate the cookies based on look and of course taste! It is a cookie-celebration!
 Idea number two, one of the more chilled ones: Watch all the traditional christmas movies with your family. A movie afternoon with the whole family is a great christmas activity. Cuddle up with some nice blankets in front of the TV and put on 'Love actually', 'Polar Express' or maybe 'The Grinch'. And do not forget to snack on some christmas leftovers and nip on some hot chocolate!

Not so happy about your christmas presents? I am sure there is someone who might find more joy than you in that present: Therefore it could be the perfect time to throw a little secret santa gift exchange party! Often times you might make another person more than happy with your gift and all presents find a new lucky owner.
 Watching a christmas musical or going to a ballet show can be an amazing way to prolong the christmas vibes. Enjoy a nice dinner with your family beforehand and then head to the festivities. The music and the costumes are worth seeing!
 One of my favorite activities to do during the holidays is discovering christmas decorations within my town. I love seeing all the decorated houses and watching out for the most cheesiest and funniest decorations that are out there! To make it an engaging little competition you count count colorful christmas lights, or Santa's.
 Arts and crafts during the winter time are a must! Whether you are making an advent calendar, a christmas wreath or some hand lettered cards for family and friends. Grab your painting supplies, pick some nice scrapbooking paper and let's go! Pinterest is a great source to find inspiration!
 If you are lucky there are still some open christmas markets where you can enjoy the last 'Glühwein' of the year. Make sure to check out my latest post to find out which activities you should not miss and which christmas markets you have to see in Europe!
 Especially when it is getting a bit colder outside it is a great idea to provide some food for the birds outside. You can simply look for some instructions on which seeds you can use to make up a great mix for them. You can even make some birdseed ornaments which you can hang in your garden.
 Cooking your own hot chocolate is a definite To-Do for me during the holidays! Invite your friends over and sip on the hot and sweet drink together. It is a perfect idea to go for a walk in the cold air beforehand!
 Looking back on the past year is also a nice way to round off the last days of the year. Maybe you would like to make some New Years Resolutions, or you could think about crafting a photo album with some memories from the past twelve months!
 If you had not have the time to decorate a gingerbread house yet, I can only recommend to do it right now. It is one of the most fun activities to host between family members and a great way to spend a nice hour together. Design your dream house!
The time for S'mores in now! Roast some marshmallows over the fireplace and enjoy with some crackers and chocolate. Take a good book to read while your marshmallows are sizzling over the warmth.

Having a christmas song dance party is the best way to get moving after a filling meal. Put on your favorite playlist and "rock around the christmas tree".

A christmas brunch is a great way to catch up with some old friends and just spend time with people who are close to you. While enjoying nice food you have the chance to look back on the 'old days' or to just chat about the latest news! You will be surprised by how quickly time passes by.

Of course there are also some amazing parties you can visit during the christmas time! So put on your favorite red sequin dress and off you go with some friends or even family. Everyone loves to dance off the gained christmas pounds and sing out loud to your favorite songs.

Of course the christmas time would not be complete without a wintery walk through the forest. At the moment the cold temperatures create a frosty atmosphere, but the sun light is bringing warmth and a magical spirit. Definitely worth a red nose!

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The top 5 christmas markets in Europe!

Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2019 • Lilly
*Dieser Artikel entstand in freundlicher Zusammenarbeit mit Christine Möller. 
Guten morgen!
Die schönste Zeit des Jahres verkürzt uns die Tage, die Vorweihnachtszeit! Weihnachtslieder laufen hoch und runter, Häuser sind festlich geschmückt und die Suche nach dem schönsten Weihnachtsbaum ist eröffnet. Während unter der Woche alles im Weihnachtsstress versinkt, so werden die Wochenenden zum gemütlichen Beisammensein genutzt. Nachmittage werden durch Spritzgebäck und Lebkuchen versüßt und der Weihnachtsfilm sorgt für entspannende Beschäftigung. Wer der Nachmittag allerdings nicht im eigenen Heim verbringt, den findet man mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit auf einem der unzähligen Weihnachtsmärkte. Mit der Familie, Freunden, gutem Essen und der weihnachtlichen Stimmung verfliegt die Zeit.
Und nicht nur in Deutschland ist der Besuch des Weihnachtsmarkts ein echtes Muss, in vielen Teilen Europas locken attraktive Marktstände. Damit ihr euch einen guten Überblick verschaffen könnt, stelle ich euch heute fünf Weihnachtsmärkte in Europa vor, bei denen sich ein Besuch nur empfiehlt!

What to wear on a christmas market? 

Eine Frage, die sich natürlich schnell stellt: was ziehe ich auf den Weihnachtsmarkt an? Ist es der kreative Weihnachtspulli, oder aber doch ein schickes Kleid? Im Grunde genommen, kann sich hier jeder ganz nach persönlichem Geschmack entscheiden, einige generelle Tipps wie Wärme und Gemütlichkeit sollte man aber auf jeden Fall im Hinterkopf behalten. Auf Handschuhe, einen dicken Schal und eine Pudelmütze sollte so nicht verzichtet werden.
Wenn es zum Thema richtige 'Schuhwahl' kommt, greife ich im Winter am liebsten zu Stiefeletten. Bei YOOX kann man zum Beispiel viele trendige Damen Stiefeletten online finden.

Which drinks and food can I find at the christmas market? 

 Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt angekommen, geht es gleich mitten ins Getümmel. Der ganze Rummel kann ganz schön Kräfte zehrend sein. Um neue Energie zu tanken, rufen die unzähligen Stände mit ihren köstlichen Leckereien. Der Geruch von gebrannten Mandeln hüllt den gesamten Markt ein und auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt findet sich wirklich jede Menge an Leckerbissen. Wer sich das Weihnachtsfeeling nach Hause holen möchte, der sollte dieses Rezept für Vanillekipferl auf alle Fälle nach backen!

What can I do at the christmas market?

Auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt gibt es auch eine Reihe an Aktivitäten, die man sich nicht entgehen lassen sollte. Neben dem gemütlichen Glühwein trinken, kann man so meist viel auf den Märkten erleben.

Für rund einen Monat verwandelt sich eine Stadt in den Niederlanden in ein wahres Weihnachtsparadies. Gelegen in Limburg, nahe der Stadt Maastricht, liegt Valkenburg. Die Stadt wird nicht umsonst auch 'Kerststadt' in den Niederlanden genannt. Weihnachtsdekorationen soweit das Auge reicht!

When is the christmas market?

Vom 29ten November bis zum 6ten Januar kann man dem Markt einen Besuch abstatten! Aufgrund des großen Besucherandrangs lohnt sich eine frühe Anreise.

Why is it a must see? 

Dieser Weihnachtsmarkt muss unbedingt wegen seiner Höhlen besucht werden. Diese werden nämlich ebenfalls in ein Weihnachtsparadies verwandelt und können für einen kleinen Eintrittspreis besucht werden.

 Die österreichische Stadt Salzburg ist nicht nur zur Weihnachtszeit ein echter Geheimtipp. Der Christkindlmarkt zählt zu einem der ältesten Märkte der Welt. Wer gerne weitere Tipps zu dem 'Salzburger Christkindlmarkt' haben möchte, sollte auf jeden Fall auf der Tourismus Seite vorbei schauen.

When is the christmas market?

Am Donnerstag in der Woche vor dem ersten Adventssonntag öffnet der Markt seine Stände. Am 26ten Dezember ist dann die ganze Magie vorbei und man muss sich wieder ein Jahr gedulden, bis es auf ein Neues los geht!

Why is it a must see? 

Durch die traditionellen Stände wird eine ganz besondere Atmosphäre geschaffen, die gleichermaßen Einheimische, als auch Touristen anzieht. Überspannt wird der Weihnachtsmarkt außerdem von einem 'Sternenhimmel'.

 Im deutschen Nürnberg kommt der Weihnachtsliebhaber auf seine Kosten. Eine weitere Besonderheit des Markts ist die Auszeichnung der schönsten Buden. So vergibt die Stadt jährlich Preise an Budenbesitzer. Besonders am Abend ist ein Besuch empfehlenswert, da die Stände sich in ein Lichtermeer verwandeln.

When is the christmas market?

Vom 29ten November bis Heiligabend lohnt sich hier ein Besuch.

Why is it a must see? 

Überzeugt wird man vor allem von dem Angebot der lokalen Händler. Von komplizierten Handarbeiten, bis hin zu süßen Kleinigkeiten wie Lebkuchen und Spekulatius, mit leeren Händen verlässt man den Weihnachtsmarkt sicherlich nicht.

London! Neben dem 'Christmas Wonderland' überzeugt auch die restliche Dekoration der Stadt. London ist so geschmückt mit unzähligen Weihnachtsbäumen, Lichtern und Girlanden. Für ein besonderes Erlebnis empfiehlt sich außerdem der Besuch eines der großen Kaufhäuser, wie zum Beispiel Macy`s.

When is the christmas market?

Viele der Märkte öffnen bereits im Beginn des Monats. Für genaue Daten am besten die einzelnen Märkte im Internet suchen. Besonders an den Wochenenden ist es in der Innenstadt relativ voll. Frühes Aufstehen ist angesagt, um Wartezeiten zu vermeiden und die Atmosphäre vollständig genießen zu können.

Why is it a must see? 

Ein Besuch der Hauptstadt empfiehlt sich in jedem Fall, da Events, Shows und Schlittschuhbahnen locken. Auch ein klassisches Musical ist einen Besuch wert. Viele Geschäfte werden weihnachtlich dekoriert und viele Einheimische genießen heiße Getränke in den Cafés. Auf der Seite Visit London habe ich außerdem 'diesen' tollen Artikel entdeckt, welcher 101 Dinge vorstellt, die man sich nicht entgehen lassen sollte.

Wer gerne einen Weihnachtsmarkt ein bisschen weiter weg besuchen möchte dem empfiehlt sich Schweden, genauer gesagt die Stadt Gothenburg. Hier kann der Weihnachtsliebhaber auch gleich auf eine besonders besinnliche Stimmung hoffen, da die Chance auf Schnee relativ groß ist.

When is the christmas market?

Vom 29ten November bis zum 6ten Januar lohnt sich hier ein Besuch. Diese Daten beziehen sich nicht auf einen bestimmten Markt, sondern begrenzt die weihnachtliche Jahreszeit.

Why is it a must see? 

Eine ganz besonders Atmosphäre findet man im Freizeitpark Liseberg. In Skandinavien's größtem Vergnügungspark dreht sich so um die Weihnachtszeit herum alles um eine magische Atmosphäre. Der Park bietet märchenhafte Weihnachtsschnitzeljagden an oder man dreht eine Runden mit dem schnellen Karousell. Wer es eher ruhig angehen möchte, der kann natürlich auch eine der Musical Shows besuchen. Hier werden einem neben bezaubernder klassischer Musik auch atemberaubende Kostüme geboten.

Welcher ist der schönste Weihnachtsmarkt, den ihr bis jetzt besucht habt?

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Keep an eye out for these Health & Fitness trends in 2020! {Apps & more}

Mittwoch, 27. November 2019 • Lilly
Good morning,
the beginning of a new year always brings a lot of changes. New trends and topics evolve and new products can be found on each market. As we are coming closer and closer to the end of this year, I would like to give you an outlook for which trends will shape our fitness and health lifestyle in the year 2020. So whether you are looking for some motivation, or you are just curious to see what you can expect, I have got you covered! Keep on reading, to find our which trends will be around in the health and fitness sector in 2020.

When talking about trends, we can differentiate between trends that are only short living and trends that stay for a longer while.

A big trend in the food sector: new spreads and butters. Especially with the vegan lifestyle staying around, new flavors and a widened variety will be offered. In the past years the food industry has been already experimenting with flavors such as beet, aubergines and spinach. Now, with the beginning of 2020, the market for new nut butters and other innovative flavors is opened. From butters and spreads made out of seeds and a greater variety of oils, keep your eyes open for them. Soon you will be able to find them in your supermarket shelf! 

Wearable trackers will become an even bigger trend in 2020. From tracking fitness, sleep, nutrition and even more individual data, the trackers will be of great importance in 2020. Data derived from these trackers can be shared with gyms and nutritionists. The individual is able to receive personalized suggestions and fitted preferences. Latest developments move from wristband trackers to smart fabric wearables. The smart watch will, of course, stay for another while, but the forecast is on trackers, which move closer and closer to the skin. Especially in the sense of heart-rate monitoring this will be beneficial, but also the overall data collection will be more precise.

A great focus will be also devoted to the area of stress free living an relaxation. New yoga and mindfulness apps will enter the market. A new niche will be developed around breathing exercises. With the right breathing techniques stress and tension can be relieved. The experiences should be transformative in sense of spirituality, mentality and physical activity. The own personal development is at core! 

With evolving technologies the gym can be almost taken in to your home. New apps on the market allow you to compare your results to friends and family, set challenges and earn rewards. Personalized workouts will be scheduled for your timetable. Recipes will be shared, based to your preferences. The future of working out will be more and more personalized and fitted to the individual. Another focus will be put on management of daily schedule and fitness routine. With a busy schedule working out can be easily a struggle, so fitness apps of 2020 will focus on manageable goals that allow you to reach your visions. You decide how much time you can devote to working out each today! 

In our fast living time we will still have the high need for snacks and beverages, that can be quickly grabbed on the Go. Therefore, the healthy snack industry will also stay in 2020 a big trend. From energy balls, bars and smoothies, new flavors and creations can be found in markets. Furthermore a big trend in this area will be snacks that can be refrigerated. This enables the user to keep snacks fresh for longer and always have a great option on hand! From mini dips, over small bites, whether savory or sweet, the snacking industry will dive into a new chapter in 2020!

Working out in groups: time spent with friends will be more likely time, which will be actively used. The workout industry will tap more and more in an experiential market. The consumer is looking forward to challenging workout settings and virtual reality applications. The gym setting will move towards elements of 'gamfication' and small features to make the visit worthwhile.

➡️ What are your fitness goals for 2020? Let me know!
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30+ Helsinki Travel Spots you should see! {Sights, food, souvenirs & more}

Donnerstag, 21. November 2019 • Lilly
Good afternoon,
today we will explore the beauty of a country, which I visited the first time during this summer. In August, I had the chance to spent a few days in Finland, even more particular in Helsinki. Today I want to focus on the capital of the stunning country and I will share 30+ spots and things to-do in Helsinki.

So, whether you are planning a trip to Helsinki, or you are looking for some travel inspiration, this article is the best point to start! With around 40 ideas on things to do, souvenir article, food to try and the local hotspots, this post will cover every little detail you could think of. And in case, there are open questions, feel free to share them with me in the comment section.
But now you can enjoy the beauty of Finland and I hope you will get the chance to visit the city of Helsinki as well! I will definitely come back!

Introduction to Finland! There are a couple of things and small facts I can share with you over Finland. Let us have a look, before heading into the article:
  • The Finnish population loves the winter time. Cozy cafés and cute boutiques can be found everywhere in the city.
  • The country has amazing coffee. 
  • Nearly each house seem to have access to its own sauna.
  • The nature is just breathtaking.  
  • Located in the north of the country, is the 'Santa Claus Village'

To start off, we will have a closer look at ten sights, every visit of Helsinki should include. These sights can be visited in a walking tour, by bike or even with a 'Hop on, hop off' bus tour!

Helsinki Cathedral

The stunning white cathedral is definitely one of the top spots to check out in the city. It acts as a symbol for the city of Helsinki and can be found on postcards and more souvenir articles of the city. On a sunny day the blue sky behind the cathedral provides a romantic picture spot. Morning and evening hours are the best times for a visit!
→ Good to know: The cathedral was built in the years of 1830 to 1852.

Suomenlinna Sea Fortress

Suomenlinna is Unesco World Heritage. The island can be reached by a short ferry ride. I can definitely advise you to plan enough time to explore the island. With its green meadows it looked to me like a film set for Lord of the Rings. Located on the island, you can find multiple souvenir shops, boutiques, cafés and restaurants.
→ Good to know: In the summer time, you can spend a nice day till the late evening hours on the island!

Vanha Kauppahalli, Old Market Hall

From sweet pastries over savory snacks to seasonal veggies and fruit. The old market hall offers local dishes and you should stop by during lunch time to find some local tastes. With its charming design it is a great location for some nice food pictures! Helsinki has three market halls in total, this is one of them.
→ Good to know: Located in the center of the market hall is the Restaurant story, which serves warm delicatessen and pastries!

Temppeliaukio Church

The Temppeliaukio Church is also known under the name 'Church in the Rock'. And this definitely describes this sight in a perfect way. The unique building should be visited either early in the morning or later afternoon hours, as it is not as crowded.
→ Good to know: A visit of the Rock Church costs 5€, but if you own a 'Helsinki Card' you can enter the church for free.

Sibelius Monument

This monument lays a bit outside of the city centre, but can be either visited in combination with the Temppeliaukio Church or by a 'Hop on, Hop off' - Bus tour. The impressing sculpture is located in a small park, a great spot to have some lunch and a sightseeing break.
→ Good to know: A visit of the urban park is an activity which I would do in Helsikni if I would have a couple of extra hours.

Helsinki Harbor 

The harbor of Helsinki is busy and that all year around. During the summer time, young and old re enjoying the sun rays, indulging in a sweet ice cream or read a nice lecture. During autumn time you can watch courageous locals, who are still mastering the waves of the open swimming pool, which is located right in the centre of the harbor.
→ Good to know: The port of the city is of huge importance, as it is not only used for trade, but also touristic purposes.

The Esplanadi Park

One of the most popular parks in the City is the Esplanadi Park. Attracting the young and old generation it is a great meeting place. In walking distance you find a variety of cafés and restaurants and the
→ Good to know: Here, you have the chance to listen to street musicians and performers!


The Renaissance building features Finland's art gallery. From paintings over sculptures, if you are an art lover you can definitely spend some nice hours here! The compact museum makes the visit also highly interesting, if you should be not as interested in culture. Furthermore, a great rainy day activity.
→ Good to know: On Saturday's the museum offers free art workshops, what a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

Amos Rex

Amos Rex, an art Museum located beneath the incredible Lasipalatsi building, opened only last year, in 2018. What makes the museum so interesting is the way of showcasing their art. Combining traditional and futuristic art pieces, a great atmosphere is created.
→ Good to know: The contemporary art of the museum is a must-see! Address: Aleksanterinkatu 16, Helsinki

 Skywheel Helsinki

Not to miss on the skyline of Helsinki is the Skywheel. The ferris wheel is close to the water and nearly connected to the harbor of Helsinki. Showing you a great overview of the city, a ride is best done with clear weather. The wheel goes up to 40 meters high and a nice way to start exploring the city.
→ Good to know: The wheel is open all year round and to make it even Finnish there is one cabin which acts as a sauna. How amazing is that, great views and a sauna experience?!

In the second part, we are going to explore some more secret locations and things to do. You should definitely not miss these points, as they might make your trip even more outstanding and memorable!

Ice cream at the local supermarkets

Check out the ice cream section at a local supermarket
When you check out your first supermarket in Helsinki I was especially surprised by the incredibly variety of ice cream tastes.
→ Good to know: The company 'Soumen Jäätelo' translated 'Finlands ice cream sells a variety of flavors.

Sauna in the harbor 

A visit to Finland would not be complete without a visit in a traditional Finnish sauna. The Allas Sea Pool is open all year round and centered in the heart of Helsinki. Besides the sauna experience you can book multiple wellness options!
→ Good to know: Refresh your body and mind in one of the weekly classes that are offered at the pool. Interested, you can find all of them 'here'.

Fazer Experience Visitor Centre

With a mix between educational and experiental, the centre invite for a visit. From smell to taste, all of your senses are activated and the time flies by. The Fazer chocolate is delicious and best known for the Finland.
→ Good to know: Fazer chocolate offers not only chocolate, but also delicious biscuits, gum, licorice and pralines. You can be assured that every taste will find something!

Suomenlinna Museum

As mentioned in the 'Sights' section, the Suomenlinna island is worth a visit! Located on the island you have the chance to visit the Suomenlinna museum. The museum provides you with all the information you would like to know about the history of the island, as well as surrounding islands.
→ Good to know: A visit is possible all year around and you only have to pay a small entrance fee.

Book a bike

The city can be easily explored by booking a bike. It is one of the most convenient ways to discover a variety of spot in a short amount of time. Make sure to book yourself a scooter or bike for the city and explore all the hidden spots.
→ Good to know: Most of the bike and scooter rentals are limited to special times during the year. In the winter time you will have to rely on public transport and car rentals. And of course, walking is always one of the greatest options to go around.

Visit Helsinki Central Library Oodi

The library is a lively place which offers a lot of comfort and coziness. Stop by for a coffee dates with friends or get lost own the sheer impressing number of books and magazines. The stunning architecture in Oodi is worth a picture motive.
→ Good to know: The library makes a great place for meetings and company get togethers. With special rooms that can be booked the perfect environment for business dates is achieved. If you want to see more of the library, you can additionally book guided tours here!

A typical souvenir from Finland

Besides a post card, or a magnet it is always nice to bring home more from your trip. The best locations to find traditional Finnish souvenirs is for sure the market hall but I decided to round off the article by providing you a whole list of ideas with things you can bring from the Scandinavian country. Check it out!
→ Good to know: The best souvenirs are found, if you are not actively looking for them. So just keep an eye out for some traditional products to bring!

Stop at Helsinki City Museum 

The Helsinki City Museum is right at the Senate Square. The museum allows a view in the history of the city. A floor is especially designed for the smaller guests visiting, so I can also recommend this museum when you are traveling with children. With your Helsinki Card you can claim a free postcard at the museum.
→ Good to know: I can recommend a visit during rainy days! Furthermore I do think this museum is worth a visit, but I would not spent too much time on it.

Linnanmäki Theme Park 

Traveling to Helsinki with children, or you are just up for day filled with adrenalin packed activities. Then it might be the right choice to spend a day at the Linnanmäki theme park. A bit out of the city you can see the rides from the amusement park.
→ Good to know: One of the most popular rides of the park is a wooden rollercoaster. Are you a fan of rollercoasters?

Napoleon Cake at Stockmann

Napoleon Cake at Stockmann Department Store. Need some sweet energy after a long day of shopping? Make sure to check ou the Napoleon Cake at Stockmanns Department Store. Extremely delicious with multiple layers of cake. After this sweet treat you can go back to shopping adventures, full with energy!
→ Good to know: At the cafe Edberg every cake is still freshly baked and you can be sure that you won't be able to resist the smell of the freshly baked bread.

Sing karaoke at a pub  

Besides a sauna visit a trip to Finland is not complete without attending a karaoke evening at one of the city pub's. One of the best known bars is 'Pataässä'. Located in the city center you can prove your shower singing skills right here!
→ Good to know: The karaoke bar 'Pataässä is in Snellmaninkatu 13. The bar opens around 8pm in the evening. What is your favorite karaoke song? Let me know! I think all the ABBA songs would be definitely in my top five!

After all these great ideas on what do to during your stay, we of course also have to discover which foods you have to try and taste. Personally, I think food, as well as drinks, are closely related to a countries culture!

Have a cinnamon roll

Have a pulla. Yes, 'pulla' is the Finnish word for the buttery sweet pastry known as cinnamon roll. Whether you need a side to go with your coffee or you want to enjoy the roll on its own, it is delicious! 
→ Good to know: Generally, the Finns are more into a savory breakfast, but when it comes to their cinnamon rolls no one stops them! And the best thing: the rolls are available all year around! 

Indulge in Fazer chocolate

As mentioned before, the brand Fazer is best known for its chocolate. So make sure to not miss on the chocolates before leaving. The confectionery can be purchased in supermarkets or at the airport. 
→ Good to know: Bigger supermarkets offer a greater variety of the chocolates. 

Explore the wide range of salmiakki

Whether you are a fan of licorice depends on you taste buds, but even when the candy does not appeal to you, you will be impressed by the variety offered in the supermarkets. 
→ Good to know: Salmiakki is popular throughout almost all of the nordic countries, but also the Benelux states, as well as the Netherlands and Germany are big fans of the candy. 

Market dishes

The best way to taste some local dishes is definitely the market hall. In Finland market halls still play a huge role in everyday life and you are able to find a great variety of fruit, vegetables, as well as plants and herbs. Come early in the morning to explore the space without big crowds of tourists. 
→ Good to know: A dish you should try is definitely 

Coffee dates 

Combined with the cinnamon roll you definitely have to try the Finnish coffee. A good brew can be found on nearly every corner and the small cafés charm with nice interior and cozy spaces
→ Good to know: Did you know, that with 12 kilograms of coffee per Finn each year, the country has the second highest coffee consumption per capita.

Egg butter on rice bread 

If you are a savory breakfast lover, the following dish is perfect for you! The Finns love to start in the day with their famous egg-butter! The egg-butter dish is also known as 'munavoi' and can be found throughout the whole country. The combination of the butter with a nice piece of bread is delicious.
→ Good to know: You want to bring some of your Finnish memories to your kitchen at home. I found 'this' great recipe which you can definitely try out, if you are in the mood for some 'munavoi'!

Picnic time  

A typical Finnish picnic was a must-do for me! Grab some snacks and treats at a local café or supermarket and find a nice spot to fuel on some energy. Throughout the city you can find multiple parks and benches which invite for a stop.
→ Good to know: To make sure that you have the most iconic Finnish foods for your picnic, here a small list with some inspirations: Karjlanpiirakka pastries, Kalakukko with fish, Grillimakkara and Ruisleipä.

In case you might have some more days scheduled for you visit in Finland, you can think about exploring the outskirts of the city. Besides Helsinki, there is so much to discover and to-do. The endless beauty of the country's nature invites for hikes and day trips!

Nuuksio National Park 

The National Park is only one of the 40 national parks which you can visit in Finland. Whether you want to go for a long hike, or take a couple of deep breath fresh air, the parks are incredibly amazing for body, mind and soul. Forest and lakes make a nature paradise!
→ Good to know: As it is in easy reach from the capital, it is the best way to escape the stressful haste from your daily activities.

Haltia Nature Park 

The Haltia Nature centre is in easy reach from the capital, it is the best way to escape the stressful haste from your daily schedule. The stunning wilderness of the park will charm every tourists and you can spend hours wandering around and hiking to your
→ Good to know: The park is perfect for excursions and day trips as it offers lakes, valleys, forests and much more!

Kruunuvuoris 'Ghost Town' 

If you are up for an adventurous day trip, you should make sure to check out this abandoned town. The piece and quietness can be best explored with a group of friends.
→ Good to know: Both seasons, summer and winter time, are worth a visit! With a bit of distance from the city, the town is still worth exploring!

Lastly, I would like to provide you with some ideas on souvenirs which you can bring from Helsinki. Finland is known for a variety of small products, which you can easily bring as gifts for friends and family or juts as a nice memory from your trip!

Sauna Essentials 

Besides offering great sauna experiences, you are also able to buy high quality sauna products in the Finnish capital. The wooden buckets and ladles are smooth in touch and protected with a layer to stay in shape even when getting wet.
→ Good to know: Best shop to try out is the sauna shop. The sauna market is located at Aleksanterinkartu 26-28.

Traditional knife  

Puokko, or the hunting knife, which is used in Finland is not only decorative, but can be also useful. With the detailed decorations, the knives make an excellent souvenir gift for friends and family. Multiple shops offer the knives and you can also find them in the shopping malls in Helsinki.
→ Good to know: Only buy if you are not traveling with hand luggage!


The finns are known for manufacturing some beautiful jewelry. Jewelry is a great way to think back of your trip and have a nice memory to wear each day. Whether hand-made or from manufacture, find a charming piece that suits your liking!
→ Good to know: Gold and silver are the best materials used and as you can imagine, you can find them in earrings, brochures and bracelets!

Wooden drinking cup

If you are looking for another great souvenir, I can only advise you too get your hands on one of the wooden drinking cups, which are offered in stores. The perfect way to enjoy a drink. And with their rustic touch they can even make great use as decoration!
→ Good to know: Before buying you might want to ask what happens if the cup/mug is exposed to hot liquids.

Colourful Lapland hat

The traditional colorful hat, can be purchased in the region of Lapland. Lapland is a beautiful region in the north of Finland. The variety of natural experiences offered in this part of Finland makes it a great travel destination for tourists!
→ Good to know: The colorful hat will keep your ears toasty warm and protected against ice and snow.

Moomin souvenirs 

The cute cartoon graphic can be found on nearly every product. From postcard, mugs, and even food products, such as cookies and tea. Adults and kids are equally drawn towards the sweet cartoon figure!
→ Good to know: I found a blog article, which describe all the possible Moomin Spots that you can visit throughout Helsinki. Check it out, 'here'.

Traditional Finnish knitwear

You are looking forward to the cold days here in Europe? What better way top prepare then with some purchases that will keep you warm even when a frosty wind is blowing outside. The Finnish knitwear is especially designed for cold weather!
→ Good to know: Impress friends and family with your new purchases, they make a great christmas stocking filling or gift. 
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