15+ christmas ideas you have to do in 2019!

Sonntag, 29. Dezember 2019 • Lilly
Good afternoon, I wish everyone a joyful season. For this who celebrated, I hope you had some delicious food and a nice evening and morning with your loved ones! I have counted down the days before christmas and now that the day actually came around the corner I am just as surprised again how quickly time passes by. To keep the christmas...
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The top 5 christmas markets in Europe!

Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2019 • Lilly
*Dieser Artikel entstand in freundlicher Zusammenarbeit mit Christine Möller.  Guten morgen! Die schönste Zeit des Jahres verkürzt uns die Tage, die Vorweihnachtszeit! Weihnachtslieder laufen hoch und runter, Häuser sind festlich geschmückt und die Suche nach dem schönsten Weihnachtsbaum ist eröffnet. Während unter der Woche alles im...
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Keep an eye out for these Health & Fitness trends in 2020! {Apps & more}

Mittwoch, 27. November 2019 • Lilly
Good morning, the beginning of a new year always brings a lot of changes. New trends and topics evolve and new products can be found on each market. As we are coming closer and closer to the end of this year, I would like to give you an outlook for which trends will shape our fitness and health lifestyle in the year 2020. So whether you are...
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30+ Helsinki Travel Spots you should see! {Sights, food, souvenirs & more}

Donnerstag, 21. November 2019 • Lilly
Good afternoon, today we will explore the beauty of a country, which I visited the first time during this summer. In August, I had the chance to spent a few days in Finland, even more particular in Helsinki. Today I want to focus on the capital of the stunning country and I will share 30+ spots and things to-do in Helsinki. So, whether...
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