the beginning of a new year always brings a lot of changes. New trends and topics evolve and new products can be found on each market. As we are coming closer and closer to the end of this year, I would like to give you an outlook for which trends will shape our fitness and health lifestyle in the year 2020. So whether you are looking for some motivation, or you are just curious to see what you can expect, I have got you covered! Keep on reading, to find our which trends will be around in the health and fitness sector in 2020.
When talking about trends, we can differentiate between trends that are only short living and trends that stay for a longer while.
A big trend in the food sector: new spreads and butters. Especially with the vegan lifestyle staying around, new flavors and a widened variety will be offered. In the past years the food industry has been already experimenting with flavors such as beet, aubergines and spinach. Now, with the beginning of 2020, the market for new nut butters and other innovative flavors is opened. From butters and spreads made out of seeds and a greater variety of oils, keep your eyes open for them. Soon you will be able to find them in your supermarket shelf!
A great focus will be also devoted to the area of stress free living an relaxation. New yoga and mindfulness apps will enter the market. A new niche will be developed around breathing exercises. With the right breathing techniques stress and tension can be relieved. The experiences should be transformative in sense of spirituality, mentality and physical activity. The own personal development is at core!

With evolving technologies the gym can be almost taken in to your home. New apps on the market allow you to compare your results to friends and family, set challenges and earn rewards. Personalized workouts will be scheduled for your timetable. Recipes will be shared, based to your preferences. The future of working out will be more and more personalized and fitted to the individual. Another focus will be put on management of daily schedule and fitness routine. With a busy schedule working out can be easily a struggle, so fitness apps of 2020 will focus on manageable goals that allow you to reach your visions. You decide how much time you can devote to working out each today!
Working out in groups: time spent with friends will be more likely time, which will be actively used. The workout industry will tap more and more in an experiential market. The consumer is looking forward to challenging workout settings and virtual reality applications. The gym setting will move towards elements of 'gamfication' and small features to make the visit worthwhile.
➡️ What are your fitness goals for 2020? Let me know!
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